
1. 電子郵件 : 請E-mail到 twgamagroup@gmail.com
2. 線上的LINE ID諮詢 : 請加入ID : gama-tw留下您的聯絡資料及相關訊息.
3. 電話聯繫 : 您可以直接來電洽詢相關事項,我們將由專人為您提供完整的服務 .

You can choose the different methods to contact with GAMA Innovation Corporation shown as follow,
1. Email    :    please Email your request or demand to twgamagroup@gmail.com
2. Line ID  :   download the LINE app to your smartphone, and add GAMA (ID: gama-tw) to contact list. Then you can have our service by the easy way.
3. Phone   :   Of course you can directly contact us by phone for your request, we will has representative to answer you.